Product Team Call:

Public APIs Early Access


September 9th


Ready to take advantage of public APIs to integrate with Axcient’s x360Recover?

Ready to take advantage of public APIs to integrate with Axcient’s x360Recover? Join the call with Axcient’s Product team to learn about Axcient’s early access program for public APIs.

Axcient’s Director of Product, Leif Fortson, and Product Owner, Corey Fogg, will lay out the details of Axcient’s new Public APIs for MSP and 3rd party integrators who want to integrate with us. Our product team will share the details of our early access program, billing integration, directions to get started, and what is on the roadmap leading to general availability of Axcient’s Public APIs.

Complete the form to register, and if you cannot attend the live webinar, we will send you the recording.

Leif Fortson

Leif Fortson

Director of Product, Leif Fortson, Axcient
Corey Fogg

Corey Fogg

Product Owner, Corey Fogg, Axcient