The digital landscape has changed and your clients need comprehensive data protection. Is your BDR up to the challenge?

As a Managed Service Provider (MSP), your job is getting harder. Work from home, work from anywhere, and remote work environments require a higher degree of security than traditional backup and disaster recovery (BDR). Between spiking ransomware attacks, unsophisticated security infrastructures, novice users, and legacy technology – it's time to reevaluate your BDR solution.

See why so many MSPs are choosing the next evolution in business continuity to prevent data loss. Explore your options to maintain your competitive advantage without complicating your stack, or falling victim to the consequences of vendor sprawl.

  • Boost profits with new revenue streams, lower total cost of ownership (TCO), and significant cost and resource savings.
  • Ensure business continuity using the latest technology for complete endpoint protection, near instant recovery, and a last line of defense against ransomware.
  • Meet all client needs with one solution for endpoint and public cloud backup, hardware-free BDR, and turn-key BDR.

Download Backup & the Dispersed Workforce: 7 Reasons MSPs Are Moving Beyond Traditional BDR, to make sure your MSP is set up for continued success with a simple, flexible, and comprehensive solution.